Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stage 2: Survival

We have made it to St.Louis. Ryan is feeling much better, and is almost back to normal.
Jacob and Joshua are enjoying all the new attention and are trying to schmooze everyone they meet.

We are making progress at visiting friends and family, only to realize how many more people we may not be able to see this trip.  Everyone in Guatemala is preparring for a St.Louis team, and and we are looking farward to jumping bach into the busy schedule we know as home. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Phase 1, completed.

We made the drive from our town, in the middle of nowhere, to the big city. We made it in one piece, and exausted. 

We had a more than eventful trip, after we had trouble keeping the vehicle from over heating. We decided to fix the problem, and ended up moving down the road four hours later, with Ryan enduring some minor medical trauma. I think Ryan will be fine, but the initial shock of what happened, and what to do was, well...trying.

I thank God that today is over.

Ryan, Jacob and Joshua are all sleeping peacefully now.

I am enjoying listening to them all breath, and knowing they are fine.

We fly into the US tomorrow. Aparently we missed the snow by a day.