Thursday, November 4, 2010

We have enjoyed a few quite days to re plan and rethink our goals and strategies.  Last week Ryan began plowing and dicing a three acre piece of property that he will be leasing. The hope is to plant beans on the property to either sell or use for our own feeding program.  The boys have enjoyed the extra time with their dad on the tractor, and I know Ryan hasn't minded it either.
Our dog Thelma had her pups as well last week.  She had nine puppies, 5 males, 4 females, and all healthy. 

We are thankful to have the month of October behind us as it always bring a very depressing mood over our valley and the rest of the country, especially during the local "Day of the Dead" festivities.  We retreated to Chiminisujuan again on Tuesday as normal, just as the parties were getting under way, and due to a very sick child needing IV fluids, we weren't able to return home again until latter in the afternoon. Coincidentally, after all the holiday traffic and hoopla had died down. 

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