Thursday, October 14, 2010

To Teach

Tuesday we had clinic in Chiminisujuan. The road was clear enough to enable us to drive the entire way there. We were able to bring several workers to help keep up the building and do some maintenance. We saw around 65 patients and families on our nutrition program. Many children with colds and some with Pneumonia. One girl in particular came seeking formula for her son. When we asked her why she wanted formula she just explained that she had been buying it for her 4 month old, and would rather have us give it to her. We were all frustrated with her mentality. She explained that she did not breast feed her baby, and couldn't, just because. We explained to her that she would not be getting formula for her son on our nutrition program, but we would be willing to teach her to breast feed again and coach her along the way. My heart was broken for this young mother as I watched her try to nurse her baby again. At just 16, watching her eyes well with tears, we tried to encourage her to not give up, and that she would be able to nurse her baby just fine if she could only make the commitment to work at it. I have thought of her often this week, and wonder if she has stuck with it or not. I wish we could spend more time with young mothers, teaching them and showing them the options that they have, and that their old ways and mentality are not exactly accurate and sensible.  I am very fortunate for the education that I received in school, but the people here do not have the same opportunities.
On our way down the mountain, we passed the young mother walking back to her home, up a steep hill, likely heading to another hard trail, and I am praying that she can make it through the next few weeks, and can find some sense in what we have taught her, that she may return to our clinic, trusting us a little more each time, until she can trust us about Jesus.

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