Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To Toil

Today, being Tuesday, was clinic in Chimanisujuan. Thankfully the roads were open, and some maintenance had been done to the road directly to clinic. We were able to drive the whole way there. 
We gave out about 50 numbers for medical consultations, and I saw about 20 families for food and milk. 

This was my first time back to clinic in Chim. since leaving for our trip to the states in August.  I really missed the people.  I feel like I have built relationships with families, even if it is just exchanging smiles or a few words. I was so glad to see some of the children were doing better, and was sad to see that some were not doing so well.

I spent a little time in the garden there in the mountains.  I was sad to learn that my peas were practically dead, and only a few had some life left in them.  I worked a little more ground, planted more seeds and cared for the few feet of lettuce that has survived, but has not changed in the last month. 
I can't imagine what it is like for the people who live there.  Most of the locals in that village plant corn to grow for there tortillas.  I am sure they have just as much trouble as I am with my garden.  I just wanted to leave what was left of my garden to rot. I was so discouraged when the plants were not healthy.  I can only imagine how discouraging it may have been if it were my entire corn crop that had perished.

I am hopeful that we may continue to minister to the people of this area. There is such a need for so many families for food and salvation.  I am so grateful for all of the blessings in my life, but when I spend time with the people in Chiminisujuan, I can't help but feel indebted to pour out what God has given me so that they to may have a life of fruitfulness, not just toiling in the clay.

Thanks for reading. I hope to have some pictures soon of my seedlings.

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